Error: When trying to open parstlist and print a pdf the following error occurs.
“XWebView2: Unable to create HTML controller. Please restart, and contact if the problem persists.”
This error is associated with a Microsoft Edge Browser bug. To begin fixing the issue, please make sure you are using the latest version of LiveStorage or D’vinci. You can download LiveStorage via, or for d’Vinci users you can find the latest version on the Tailored Living “The Source” page. If you are still getting the error after updating follow the instructions below.
How to fix.
- Close the design software program.
- Press “CTRL+ALT+Delete”
- Select “Task Manager”
- Once task manger opens, click on the “details” tab from the top menu. **Click “more options” if you do not see it.
- After you click details, scroll down until you see “msedgewebview2.exe”
- Right click on it and select “End Task”, then “End process”.
Close the task manager and reopen design software. Issue will be resolved.
To prevent this error from reoccurring after you have clicked “print order” on the parts list page, wait for the print job to finish loading, then select
“Save as PDF” from the drop down menu under printer.